Backside boardslide
Backside boardslides are easier then frontside boardslides for most people. You should try and first attempt one on a small rail. Roll along side the obstacle and ollie up like you would for a frontside 180. but only spin around 90 degrees. Land on the obstical and start sliding and balancing. As you near the end, complete the spin and land so you can roll away.
Frontside boardslide
The frontside boardslide is more of a challenge and is also easier to try on a small rail for starters. Its pretty much the opposite of the backside boardslide. Ollie up and spin like you were going to do a backside 180, but only go around 90 degrees. Stay balanced on the obstical and be sure to look the dirction your spinning so when you near the end you can complete the spin and roll away.
50-50 F/S and B/S
Boardslide F/S
and B/S
Noseslide F/S and B/S
Crooked F/S and B/S
Trick Tips