
  The 50-50 is a grind where you get both of your bolts riding right on a edge or rail. In order to it, you should go frontside for starters, and come at a slight angle. Ollie up, and get your front truck on then steer your back foot in the direction of the object to get both trucks on. Once you get both bolts on and start sliding you want to make a small manual to avoid nose diving on the end of the object. Land it and roll away.


  Backside 50-50's are harder then the regular frontside 50-50's. In order to do one you want to come up at a slight angle again, only ollie up and get up on like a backside crooked. So when you have your front truck on you don't want to add pressure to then nose, instead, steer your back foot onto the object and get both bolts on. Once your on and moving, manual off again and roll away with it.

50-50 F/S and B/S
Boardslide F/S and B/S
Noseslide F/S and B/S
Crooked F/S and B/S
Trick Tips